I am going to read the Bible in 7 days!!! Cover to Cover! About 189 pages a day :) phew! You can join me or just follow along! I will be posting on IG @KC_Inspired and will be reposting your #7dayBibleChallenge photos!! So make sure you tag them and me!
I will post summaries on the Blog, but if you want summaries emailed to you - shoot us an email at inspiredkc@gmail.com & we will send them out!
(disclaimer: I am by no means a Bible scholar//pastor//preacher//minister just a lover of God and His Word - believing He can speak through me too)
For more info read below!
& if you've done anything like this tell me below in the comments! I want to hear how it went, your struggles, advice, etc!! Can't wait to hear from you!
Love Always,
WHY 7 Days?
I am on Spring Break. It's only 7 days.
WHAT Bible are you using?
Primary - NLT Student Application Bible
Supplements: NKJV Thomas Nelson Study Bible, The Message, Several Bible Explanation and Application Books; Google :)
WHAT is the 7 day Plan?
Day1: Genesis –
Day2: Joshua – 2
Day3: 1Chronicles -
Psalm 89
Day4: Psalm 90 -
Day5: Lamentations –
Day6: Mark –
Day7: Ephesians -
HOW many hours are you reading a day?
Well, considering the fact that I am not a reader (slow & steady), I want to know and summarize the information/give God time to speak to me, etc. I would assume 8-10 hours a day. However, I will let you know as I start getting into it. BUT it will definitely be a challenge.
WHY are you doing this?
It's the living, breathing, Word of God!!! No matter how many times I read it, it will never get old and God will never stop revealing new things through it. Also...I've never read the Bible cover to cover. It will be fun...sometimes you have to mix it up a bit - just like with any other relationship. Ahhh! Adore Him :)
WILL you be balancing any other work?
Yes, actually. I have a pretty intense project I am working on for one of my jobs, I have lesson planning to do for teaching, hosting several people and events during the 7 days. But, the Lord is faithful and He will sustain me. My plan is: 24 hrs in a day. 8 to sleep. 8 to read. 8 to work. Efficiency Organization Planning and Discipline are key. No Compromising! Everything that is not reading or sleeping is work and time will be allotted accordingly.
Please comment below! I want to hear from you! Love you much & praying for you always!